Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Executive Order 13514

I wanted to see what the government was doing to advance our country into a sustainable, clean future. I found the U.S. governments website on sustainability information here.  The website is called "" and it acts as an example to the American people of their government's progress.  The website stated that they lead by example in environmental performance, and to do this, President Obama passed Executive Order 13514 on Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance in October of 2009.  Executive Order 13514 improved the energy performance of all Federal agencies, and leveraged purchasing power to invest in clean energy technologies.  This Order had many goals in mind:

  • Reduce Greenhouse Gas Pollution-
    • Reduce emissions by 28% in next 10 years.
  • Hold Agencies Accountable for Results-
    • Office of Management and Budget Sustainability and Energy Scorecards keep track of an agency's progress and hold them accountable to meet environmental goals.
  • Develop Agency Sustainability Plans-
    • Required to develop, implement, and annually update a Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan.  Updated each year, these plans establish the process in which each federal agency will complete its sustainability goals.
At the bottom of THIS page, you can view the Strategic Sustainability Performance Plans of a variety of governmental agencies.

I thought that this was a great move by president Obama, because it's setting us up for a green, efficient future that will be much better to live in than a future ruled by expensive, dwindling fossil fuels.  I hope President Obama and Congress can work out some more environmental legislation to put our country on the right path.


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