Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Earthship Simple Survival Concept

Weston Bernhardt explained to me an environmental concept called "Earthships" that promoted the idea of a sustainable future.  I researched the topic and found an interesting website by a company called Earthship Biotecture explaining the construction of Earthships in Haiti.  The website's introduction stated:
  • Fuel prices keep going up
  • The housing market is big and inefficient
  • Natural resources are dwindling
And finally that the Earthship Simple Survival Concept was our answer to these issues.

Click here for an explanation of Earthships...

Earthships would be a very sustainable way to live.  It would make a huge difference if a large portion of people decided to live this way.

Diagrams of the Earthships constructed in Haiti:

Earthship Biotecture explains the simple necessities all humans need:

  1. Shelter, and a comfortable living space
  2. Water
  3. Sanitation (Sewage Treatment)
  4. Energy
  5. Food
  6. Garbage recycling concepts

"We need to be able to obtain the above in a way that is not subject to thirty year mortgages and hundreds of thousands of dollars. 
We need to be able to obtain the above in a way that does not cause devastation to the planet  we all live on."

The Simple Survival Earthship meets all of these human requirements without the problems that modern housing has. I think this concept answers a lot of questions that the research I've done so far has brought up.


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