Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future

"The United States of America cannot afford to bet our long-term prosperity and security on a resource that will eventually run out.  Not anymore. Not when the cost to our economy, our country, and our planet is so high.  Not when your generation needs us to get this right.  It is time to do what we can to secure our energy future."

- President Barack Obama, March 30, 2011

The BLUEPRINT outlines a 3-phase strategy to reduce America's dependence on oil:

  • Develop and Secure America's Energy Supplies:
    • America must focus on  technology and innovation to make the U.S. a leader in the global energy economy
  • Provide Consumers with Choices to Reduce Costs and Save Energy:
    • Rising gas prices necessitate research for more efficient forms of energy production.  We must also make it easier for consumes to purchase fuel efficient vehicles and obtain the means to weatherize their home.
  • Innovate our way to a Clean Energy Future:
    • To lead the world in clean energy, we must create markets that support the growth of new, clean energy technology innovation.  There must also be money put into substantial research of alternate energy solutions for the future of America's energy security.


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